What is a Shoulder Fracture/Break/Sprain?

The shoulder is a complex joint that is crucial for daily activities and enjoyable pastimes. Shoulder fractures, breaks, and sprains can significantly impact a patient's quality of life, causing pain, swelling, bruising, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Our fellowship trained and board-certified specialists use a step-by-step approach to accurately diagnose shoulder injuries, including obtaining a complete medical history, performing a physical examination, and ordering medical imaging studies. Non-surgical treatment options such as rest, ice, medications, and physical therapy may be prescribed for less severe cases. However, surgical intervention may be necessary in more severe cases. An open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) procedure may be performed to fixate and reduce a broken or fractured bone using a metal plate or rod and screws. Bone healing typically takes several weeks, and patients can return to their normal, pain-free lives. Don't let shoulder pain limit your daily activities – schedule an appointment with our specialists today by calling our practice or visiting our contact page. Dr Abdul D Khan MBBS(AMC, Vizag) MRCS(Edin, UK) MRCS(Glasg, UK) FRCS(Tr & Orth, UK) CCT(Tr & Orth, UK)